

Bay to L.A.

Home Sweet Home PDF 2

final home sweet home.-2

Phase Two: Work in Progress

Phase One: Work in Progress

Home Sweet Home Campaign

home sweet home.

Home Sweet Home Campaign

Madeleine Candioty, Christine Bumatay, Lily Liu, Yuhua Wang, Grant Arakelian

Professor Arriola

340 Final Project

March 27, 2017

Creative Brief:

Name of Organization: United We Eat  

Name of campaign: Home Sweet Home

Tagline: Our Sweet Land of Liberty.

Colors: red, white, blue


Due to the current political distress in our nation, we are creating a PSA using America’s gastronomic culture, specifically multicultural desserts, as a way to symbolize the many different ethnicities and walks of life that can thrive together in the USA. By utilizing all of these different types of desserts eaten and accepted by all types of Americans, we are hoping to prove to ourselves and other nations that our country can tastefully come together.


In the last few years, America has experienced a large amount of distress due to both social and political issues such as police brutality, racial and sexual discrimination, wage gaps, and a violent resurgence in anti-minority culture which arose from the most recent election. Our team has decided to use the many multicultural dessert choices in America to symbolize the bountiful number of races, religions, and lifestyles that can cohesively thrive in America’s melting pot.


We would like to advertise or campaign through magazine ads, social media- facebook, twitter, instagram, youtube ads, billboards, and posters. Also, target Millennial/younger media i.e. Vox, BuzzFeed, etc


The role of  advertising is to raise awareness to the citizens of the United States, as well as other countries, that all types of people- people of different races, religions, gender preferences, sexual preferences, political parties, etc.- are all welcomed and deserve equal treatment in our nation. Our campaign hopes to promote equality and equal opportunities in the U.S. and mend our reputation, too.


  • Target audiences: everyone who eats, who likes to eat (foodies)
  • Newborns-100+
  • Every ethnicity
  • Every skin color
  • Every eye color
  • Every hair color
  • Every gender
  • It doesn’t matter who you are, as long as you eat, you are our target audience.

Currently Think:

Currently, Americans believe that our nation is heading towards a downward spiral. Discrimination of all types is at an all time high and  fiscal, political, and other social issues are turning citizens against each other. The rest of the world sees these problems, too. Other countries that once thought America was the strongest and most powerful nation in the world are beginning to worry for us while others have begun cutting ties.

On the sociopolitical landscape, presidents and prime ministers such as Theresa May and Angela Merkel have met with Mr. Trump and tried to create a bond — some have succeeded while others haven’t. Mr. Trump’s erratic and inconsistent behavior has affected US economic implications.

Compelling Idea:

Our SWEET Land of Liberty. We’re promoting equality through “sweetness” so that everyone could consider America their home. Concurrently, we are expanding on a well known American slogan that fits our campaign and promotes liberty for all types of people.

Will Think:

After being exposed to the advertising, consumers will begin to think with a more open mind. Hopefully, consumers will see that as Americans, we are all in this together and we need to accept each other, no matter what the circumstances are. By seeing the cohesiveness of the different types of desserts together, viewers will realize that multicultural preferences are what make this country great.


Emotional and a bit fun. Plays on our hunger. Food = fun, neutral, ubiquitous



“To break bread together,” a phrase as old as the Bible, captures the power of a meal to forge relationships, bury anger, provoke laughter.”


Breaking bread together is a way to remove barriers and helps us explore new cultures and build stronger relationships when we socialise. The Mediterranean lifestyle, for example, focuses on sharing meals with the people you love, whether it’s just to catch-up over a simple dinner or partaking in a massive celebration. It’s believed to lead to a much happier, healthier life.


It brings people of all ages, conditions and social classes together, aiming not only to eat but to share knowledge, culture and mutual respect. This is a chance to have your elders pass on their stories to your children, and for your family to meet people outside the nucleus, such as friends and neighbours.


Kareers 4 Kids Billboard/Print Ad

Your Future Starts Now. pr-340

Art + Copy: True-to-life Mad Men

The 1960s Creative Revolution was the start to the metamorphosis of the advertising world. Prior to this event, the advertising business was more often associated with manipulation, perhaps less known to audiences if compared with classic subjects like law, medicine or business. Writers and artists were rebellious with their approach to advertisements and spearheaded their ideas with confidence. Inevitably, successful advertising campaigns increased ROI and persuaded audiences to buy, buy, buy — and for the business world, these impressive figures were more than enough.

Art & Copy is a documentary film released in 2009 by director Doug Pray. It is about the U.S. advertising industry and the real-life Mad Men characters in the advertising world. Watching it allowed me to consider becoming an Art Director, even though I come from a Public Relations background — the content creation and strategy behind creating an ad campaign was truly remarkable and appealing. I had not realized how advertising changed and was influenced by culture’s growing acceptance of creativity as being part of the authentic American fabric.

Mary Wells Lawrence, Dan Wieden, Hal Riney, George Lois, and Lee Clow are only a few names taken out of a long list of advertising giants.

Here is a list of their notable accomplishments:

George Lois: Lois is best known for designing 92+ Esquire magazine covers (1962-1972), Tommy Hilfiger

Mary Wells Lawrence: Known for her ad campaign for Braniff International Airways: The End of the Plain Plane. She also founded Wells Rich Greene, ad agency with clients including Proctor & Gamble, Pan American World Airways, Sheraton Hotel and Resorts, etc.

Dan Wieden: Co-founded Wieden + Kennedy, coined Nike tagline “Just Do It.”

Lee Clow: Co-created Apple Computer’s 1984  commercial for Apple Macintosh launch. “Think Different” slogan, 60-second TV spot, considered a masterpiece in advertising. Also worked on Playstation, Energizer Bunny, etc.

Hal Riney: Voiceover for “Morning in America” and “Bear in the Woods” TV commercials for Ronald Reagan Presidential re-election 1984 campaign. Founded Hal Riney & Partners in 1977, ad agency known for HP and Saturn.

Assignment No. 3: Walkabout

  1. What was it like taking a walk when you were actually paying attention to ads?
  • In French culture, they call a “city walker who admires their surroundings” a flâneur or flâneuse. I studied in Paris my freshman year of college and had a beautiful flânerie experience. Being a flâneuse in Downtown Los Angeles was quite different. It was more difficult to physically walk while paying attention to the ads. People here live a much faster lifestyle and tend to want to get from one place to the other in no time. It was hard to look at ads and fully understand the concept behind them. I think the reason why there were so many billboards and lots of wall installations is because of the fast LA lifestyle. Also, my neighborhood is quite busy because it is in DTLA; perhaps, this exercise would have been different in a suburban neighborhood (lack of ads and more walk time).
  1. 2) Reflect on the advertising you saw the most of.
  • I saw many ads about the new television show Santa Clarita Diet and was truly shocked with how many advertisements and billboards there were. There’s a massive installation of this ad on Figueroa. Seeing it so much that day made me want to see the new Netflix show because of how many times I saw it.

3) The main themes of the ads

  • The main themes of the ads were appeals to pathos, appeals to ethos (lots of ads by bus stops with facts regarding car crashes etc), sex, food, and violence. There were also some advertisements which presented gory elements (like Santa Clarita Diet) but intermingled this with a food theme — which is perfect for LA foodies.

4) What did the ads say about the neighborhood?

  • The advertisements said a lot about the neighborhood in a sense where I could finally understand the demographics of Downtown L.A. The sprawling and booming city is being reborn at the moment. A lot of hipster crowds and rich executives tend to live in DTLA apartments. Their likes and dislikes definitely matter and I noticed how these were taken into account through the ways in which the ads were placed, especially around Figueroa.

5) How did the ads make you feel about the products and services they were advertising?

– Some television advertisements made me want to watch the show they were advertising. There are other advertisements that serve as a reminder of an already loved brand. For example, there is a huge Coca-Cola bottle advertised on the JW Marriott hotel’s building. It reminded me of wanting to grab a Coke during my walk due to the unusually hot weather that day. Moreover, car crash advertisements are a staple to LA’s car and driving culture. They present a real problem in Los Angeles while also reminding and informing audiences of this unfortunate circumstances.


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